How to Read the Bible

How to Read the Bible

Before we approach the Word of God, we must prepare our heart and approach with the right posture. Before you read, do not underestimate the importance of prayer Prayer puts our heart in the proper posture Prayer stills our minds and puts our focus on God In prayer,...
Helpful Tips

Helpful Tips

Some helpful tips when reading the Bible Don’t expect to always know the answers Expect to sometimes be confused Don’t always expect an emotional response or warm fuzzies Keep pressing on, day by day Let the Word wash over you You may not immediately recognize day to...
Memorization and Meditation

Memorization and Meditation

The Bible tells us to hide its Words in our heart! We often use the excuse of not having a good memory, yet we know countless song lyrics and sports stats. The truth is that Bible memorization is hard work, but it can be done! Donald Whitney: “Hearing and reading the...
Using Devotionals

Using Devotionals

A quick word on devotionals.  There is nothing wrong with using a devotional – just know there are good ones as well as ones to avoid.  Reading a devotional is good, but reading the Bible is better! When choosing a devotional look for One that is written by a...
Choosing a Translation

Choosing a Translation

When you go to buy a new Bible, it can seem overwhelming with all the translations. Why so many? The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, so every English Bible is a translation from these original languages. Every translator has two basic...